This one has the advantage of keeping the raw video file (gource.ppm) so you can go back and tweak the encoding parameters if you don't like the output quality or need a different video format without recording the video again. The disadvantage is that this raw uncompressed video and you can expect it to use up 100gs of gigs, so keep that in mind!
That's all you need to know about Gource. You can refer to the Readme file [6] if you are looking for additional options or looking them up within your terminal using the gource -H command. Now, let's move on to the FFmpeg section in order to learn how we can store that recording locally on a drive.
Gource Mac Gource For Mac
It will convert an mp4 video file into a gif with a frame rate equal to 24. However, for the purpose of this article, we need to read a stream of data from gource and save it on a local drive. To do so, we need to change the input filename to - to read from STDIN. Recall from the above Gource Usage section, we need to compress the data generated by Gource.
gource --hide dirnames,filenames --seconds-per-day 0.1 --auto-skip-seconds 1 -1280x720 -o - ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.mp4
When we launch gource in software version control (e.g. in local git repository) while generating video of project evolution, the circles change their color. I suppose they indicate some state. But what state exactly do they indicate of?
Have you seen the gource video visualizations of git repositories? Gource lets you create beautiful animated tree visualizations of git repos, with the root directory at the centre, other directories as branches and files as leaves. There are also representations of the different programmers contributing to the project over time. Creating such video visualizations on mac OS, is really very simple, let me talk you through it:
In the previous command we used various parameters to make the video exactly as we wanted it. You can view a full list of available parameters and other helpful examples in the gource repo description.
Phew! The main options to fiddle with are the resolution from gource (1280x720 in this case), and the crf setting from ffmpeg (increase the number to decrease the quality and make a smaller file, or lower the number to increase the quality and make a larger file).
Now let's get this data into Gource and start visualizing activity. Since I am in a Mac forensics class, we'll do this one on macOS. If you have homebrew, Gource is simple to get working: brew install gource. You could save off the output of the Python script to a file and then run Gource on that, but I opted to just pipe the output directly to Gource since the Python script runs so quickly. The command I'll use is:
We were reminded, by a HackerNews item, of Gource, a visualizer for software that produces delightful animations of the life of your Git repositories. If you are on a Mac, just run brew install gource, go to a directory with a clone of a project and run gource... then sit back and watch a glowing animated history.
Para rodar, basta navegar no terminal para o diretório raiz do repositório que deseja visualizar e rodar o comando gource. A ferramenta vai abrir em modo interativo, e você vai poder aplicar zoom, movimentar e explorar os elementos da visualização mouse e teclado.
Để sử dụng ffmpeg quay lại video xuất ra, các bạn dùng câu lệnhgource -1280x720 -o - ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.mp4
Some of my personal projects for iOS running gource on mac. Multiple projects on same video. ./ /soccervirtualcup2 /minispacefighters /formula-nova-race /feargarden /sk8-guide-ios file :
P.P.S. With tools like gource [ ], nobody in their right mind would switch from their current SCM to any other unless their 15+ year commit history was guaranteed to be preserved in the conversion process. 2ff7e9595c